Mongkol Borei District Postal Code

Mongkol Borei Postal Code: 010100

This is the Name Mongkol Borei District page list. Its detail Province, District, Name, Postcode is as below.

Mongkol Borei District: 010100

Below villages share the same postcode as Mongkol Borei District

Mongkol Borei District has villages as below:

Banteay Neang Commune Zip Postcode 010101
Bat Trang Commune Zip Postcode 010102
Chamnaom Commune Zip Postcode 010103
Kouk Ballangk Commune Zip Postcode 010104
Koy Maeng Commune Zip Postcode 010105
Ou Prasat Commune Zip Postcode 010106
Phnum Touch Commune Zip Postcode 010107
Rohat Tuek Commune Zip Postcode 010108
Ruessei Kraok Commune Zip Postcode 010109
Sambuor Commune Zip Postcode 010110
Soea Commune Zip Postcode 010111
Srah Reang Commune Zip Postcode 010112
Ta Lam Commune Zip Postcode 010113

ខាងក្រោមជាលេខកូដប្រៃសណីយ៍របស់ ស្រុក មង្គលបុរី ក្នុង ខេត្ត បន្ទាយមានជ័យ នៃប្រទេសកម្ពុជា

ការិ ប្រៃសណីយ៍ស្រុកមង្គលបុរី 010100 ឃុំ គយម៉ែង 010105 ឃុំ គោកបល្ល័ង្គ 010104 ឃុំ ចំណោម 010103
ឃុំ តាឡំ 010113 ឃុំ បត់ត្រង់ 010102 ឃុំ បន្ទាយនាង 010101 ឃុំ ភ្នំតូច 010107
ឃុំ រហាត់ទឹក 010108 ឃុំ សឿ 010111 ឃុំ សំបួរ 010110 ឃុំ ស្រះរាំង 010112
ឃុំ អូរប្រាសាទ 010106 ឃុំ ឬស្សីក្រោក 010109