Malai District Postal Code

Malai District Postal Code: 010700

This is the Name Malai District page list. Its detail Province, District, Name, Postcode is as below.

Malai District: 010700

Below villages share the same postcode as Malai District

Malai District has villages as below:

Boeng Beng Commune Zip Postcode 010701
Malai Commune Zip Postcode 010702
Ou Sralau Commune Zip Postcode 010703
Ou Sampoar Commune Zip Postcode 010704
Tuol Pongro Commune Zip Postcode 010705
Ta Kongg Commune Zip Postcode 010706

ខាងក្រោមជាលេខកូដប្រៃសណីយ៍របស់ ស្រុក ម៉ាឡៃ ក្នុង ខេត្ត បន្ទាយមានជ័យ នៃប្រទេសកម្ពុជា

ឃុំ តាគង់ 010706 ឃុំ ទួលពង្រ 010705 ឃុំ បឹងបេង 010701 ឃុំ ម៉ាឡៃ 010702
ឃុំ អូរស្រឡៅ 010703 ឃុំ អូសំព័រ 010704